
Definition Essay On Power

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Power Power comes from within, and is often associated with success. In order to understand what power is we have to realize what it symbolizes. Power signifies importance, admiration, and success, but most importantly it confronts the innate fear of being insignificant, and offers an escape. Power is the unit whereby we measure success, and the reason why it is coveted. Power is control, the ability to choose your destiny and shape it into whatever your heart desires. Power can come in many forms but it can never be truly gained or lost. People are not created equal, some might be destined for greatness and others might be destined to live blissfully normal lives. Power is the distinguishing factor. Power comes from within, an intangible force that drives; a hunger that can never be satiated, propelling its host to greatness. Unfortunately power is a cruel mistress. She hypnotizes and seduces until reality is distorted and …show more content…

This fear can only be conquered by power, the power to ensure one’s significance. Power might be construed as being subjective, each person having their own measure of what power is. The truth is that the happy man sleeping under the bridge is not successful, he is merely happy, and those in power are undoubtedly viewed as being successful, even when they are troubled. A study was done wherein a homeless man was given $100,000; within the year he was back to being homeless. Success, like power, cannot be gained or lost. It might be an unpleasant truth, but if that man had the need to be successful, the drive to be powerful, he never would’ve been homeless. The fact is that when a person has ambition and they are relentless in their pursuit of power, they will ultimately succeed. Failure is inevitable and in order to be successful one has to face each challenge and setback with vigor. To admit failure is to forgo power and thereby

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