Definition Essay On What Makes A Good Man

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What makes a good man? There are many answers to this question, however many of them lead to the wrong idea. People believe that a good man is about being muscular, intimidating, tough, a player, someone who shows no emotion except for anger, a person who rejects “feminine” characteristics, and being able to dominate and be powerful. But if a person were to develop these traits, there would be a lot going on in their mind. That person would have hidden emotions. He most likely forgot about who he really is and became what people want. Forced to wear a mask every day not letting anyone see what's behind it all. That is not what being a good man is about. A man is physically strong, tough, rich, and has slept with many women, whereas a good man is one who is honest, respectful, loving, caring.

“Money doesn't make a man. Muscles don't make a man. Tattoos don't make a man. Character is what makes a man! Let a man’s character be his currency; that will tell you what he's really worth!” - …show more content…

Well, it is far from physical strength, aggression, or sexuality. The characteristic of a great man is much nobler. Firstly, the majority often associate good men with how they treat and value their lover. Well, in that case, a man may show respect to his partner or wife when they are around people in order display an admirable characteristic upon him. On the other hand, a great man would incorporate respect as a part of daily life. Additionally, the love and care they show also plays a great role in demonstrating a noble persona. There is a difference, however, a man can love their partner’s features, attitudes and other traits. But being able to love based off of conditions is not the right approach to be a fine man, it is the love that needs no conditions and loves unconditionally. Of course these characteristics not only apply to their lover, but into every aspect of their lives, living as an unmasked