Definition Of A Happy States

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Happiness as a state can be described by many definitions from those with emotional based definition and or a physical based definition. In this essay we will discuss a happy state from the view of the people and what makes a good nation stay so successful. A strong government and law system are keys to having some sort of a happy state. For example, in the United States we have the constitution to lay out rights and laws that can never be taken away. This essay will discuss happiness from the viewpoints of Aristotle, Locke, Madison, Golding and Jefferson and what the threat to each of their happiness’ is. Aristotle is known as a pioneer of happiness being the main goal in life and this virtuous life being the ultimate prize. Aristotle believed …show more content…

Madison is well known as the father of the constitution and he believed that the constitution was the perfect mix of representative republic and direct democracy. Writing the constitution was probably a tedious task because not only do you have to find laws that represent the whole people, but they must be laws that help the state as well as do not step on other toes. The well know author William Golding used similar government to democracy in his well-respected novel “Lord of the Flies”. Golding in lord of the flies shows a happy state under multiple leadership. Golding uses democracy rather than dictatorship as the best ideal form of government. Under Ralph’s leadership the children had more freedom and it was more of a democracy where the worked together to …show more content…

The pursuit of happiness could have many meanings such as the pursuit of wealth and security or the pursuit of trying to live a more virtuous life as Aristotle might say. Jefferson like Locke, believed in certain right that every human should have that cannot be taken away. The Declaration of Independence was written in order to breakaway from tyrants known as Great Britain, Jefferson’s use of vocab throughout the entire document shows how oppressing Britain was towards us and how we absolutely needed to break away for our own sakes. As a part of Britain, the colonies were not a happy state because of the unfair laws, the disregard for there basic rights and their lack of freedom