
Definition Of An Outsider In The Doll House

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The definition of an outsider is “a person who does not belong to a particular circle, community, profession; a person originating from elsewhere; a person unconnected with a matter; a person lacking special knowledge of a subject; a person positioned physically on the outside or fringe of a group” (Oxford University Press). There are many ways to define an outsider but basically, it is someone who does not fit in. Throughout various short stories or novels, authors write about the theme of not fitting in. “The Doll House” is a short story about the Burnells getting a dollhouse, but their parents will not let them invite the Kelveys. “Fences” is about a family who works at a resort but can not use the beach. “Metamorphosis” is about the son …show more content…

For instance in the short story “The Doll House'' when the Burnells got a new doll house they showed everyone. Except for the Kelveys because their mom was a maid who did not make much money. They could not afford to buy new clothes and “they were dressed in bits, given to her by whom she worked for” (Mansfield 203). The Kelveys' mom was given the scraps of the clothes of the people she worked for. The people felt bad but not bad enough to give them nice clothes. When the little sister in “Fences” tries to get on the beach “No no it's their beach” (Mora 218). The mom screamed at her because it was the tourists' beach, not the worker's. The closest they got to being on the beach was to make it smooth for the tourists. These examples show that their parents' finances made them …show more content…

For instance In the story “Sonnet, with a bird”. when the main character thinks he's the only Native American in England. “this made me lonely, lonely enough to cry” (Alexie 214). After meeting up with an old friend from the same tribe. He realizes he wasn't alone the whole time. He decided to make himself seem like an outsider instead of finding a solution. Similarly, when Gregor from “Metamorphosis” became a bug he got very lonely and sad. “At first he thought it is his sadness over the condition of his room that kept him from eating” (Kafka 169). When he first became a bug his sister would bring him food to eat. But after more time had passed the family started to distance themselves. Gregor had no more left in him and started giving up. In both of these stories, the characters give up instead of trying their hardest. Having low self-esteem can lead to someone being an outsider because the mindset is everything. Feeling sad can push you farther and farther away from people, meaning you’re making fewer interactions. The more someone isolates themself the sadder they might

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