Definition Of Success Essay

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“Success.” What is the true definition of success? Many have different thoughts about this word. When the term success comes to mind what are u thinking? Money is what matters? Location? Or even Relationship Bonds with others?Well im going to be explaining my idea of the controversial word “Success” and its ways of thought that this one word can bring to your everyday situation. My general feeling of this word is happiness for the rest of my life or something that contributes to that goal. Also that your success is a feeling they cant take away because u did it your self.
First topic is your Career. To many, there career is the most important thing to strive for because after the hard work is your pay off in all the effort you put into getting there. Your career is important also because you wanna make money off something you love to do so.. it would be logical to have this as my first example. In a career your thoughts of success could be for many reasons like the good money you make the comfortable work space , the thought of doing good for yourself and others. A career is also shown as very important so achieving this would be a very happy feeling inside you so …show more content…

Some goals are set when u choose the lifestyle of controlling your body and things that enter your body. Some goals for certain people because of body types and how there mentally built effect every part of fitness. Reasons why people would consider health and fitness a success is just straight and forward its hard sometimes to stick to a routine or its just hard activities in general, and performance growth would be the success because your hard work would pay off if done correctly. An example is a diet ,so some people think that what they eat dont matter as long as u burn it off well it does matter to as simple as eating the daily amount of your needed food groups should do .So thats my reason why health and fitness is a type of