Definition Of Success Essay

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Success can be defined in many ways, but to me, success should be defined as enjoying yourself and living happily because happiness is personal to each and every person and if you’re only going to live once, you might as well make it a good time for yourself. As for me, happiness comes from getting a good education along with spending time with my friends and family. Maya Angelou, a famous poet and writer who worked in many occupations beforehand, had a definition of success much like mine. She said, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Her definition is true to her because she spent tons of time switching jobs until she found one she actually enjoyed. The reason she is a poet and writer today is because she loves to be one and it makes her happy so she feels successful. …show more content…

Much like Angelou, my interviewee from my character traits interview had a similar belief that loving life is success. Natalie is a bioengineer who creates new technology to help better human lives. She said, “[My definition of success is] being able to provide the best help I can; money and everything come with it as long as you try to do the best you can for those you’re trying to help. Emotional success and helping other people makes me happier.” This definition of success applies to her because she told me that she feels success from loving what she does. She is happy knowing that she is making a good contribution to the world and that she’s making a difference. Since this happiness is specific to her, it still helps support that the definition can apply to anyone. At the end of the day, I find it to be about what makes you happy whether it’s friends or if it’s making money, but getting to that happiness won’t come without some

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