Definition Essay On Success

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Success is a term that has countless definitions. Everyone wants to be successful in life. Individuals, like students, aim to be successful in their studies and school work. Does that mean they want to obtain knowledge for their field of study or do they just want to pass their classes? Society has been brainwashed by the media into believing a false definition of success. Having the latest model of cars and technology and being prosperous in monetary terms defines true success according to mainstream marketers and the media. This is a false and overstated myth. Success is not composed of just the luxury the world offers. Instead, success is the accomplishment of one’s aim or purpose. The media desires everyone to accept the false belief that living a self-centered life, relying on no one, and pursuing riches and fame will lead to real success. Unfortunately, that is not true. Money can buy many conveniences, but a person needs more than just money to have a fruitful and well-balanced life. Money can make life more straightforward, but it cannot …show more content…

Many individuals believe that by gaining fame and popularity, success is achieved. Sadly, the media uses many devices like television, smartphones, or anything that has access to the internet to commercialize the false belief that success represents fame and popularity. When one allows television and other devices to restrain one’s mind, becoming successful becomes impossible. Money and fame may bring leisure, but they cannot guarantee a happy and prosperous life. They can bring fulfillment, but it is short-lived. For example, many celebrities have fame and riches, but are they truly happy? There have been numerous cases where famous celebrities are found dead, not because they were victims of murder, but because they committed suicide due to depression. Therefore, money and fame cannot bring happiness nor can it make a person successful in

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