Definition Essay: What Really Is Success

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What Really is Success? Success, as it is measured by society, has become aligned with the materialistic concept that what is conceived in status (i.e. money, power, fame), is what defines the long-term goals set for one to achieve greatness. The idea that materialistic concepts are the determining factor of success is what inhibits the ability of others to experience their own success. Some people choose to define their success by the amount of money they have or the amount of power they have over the people around them. While others may want start a family or strive to make a difference in the lives of others.
Success is a thing that most people desire, being able to work hard and reach one of their goals they have set. To have success and to achieve a goal go hand and hand. When you finally succeed at something you, generally speaking, achieve multiple goals to get there. Achievement is often times a stepping stone to the overall success that many strive for. While achieving goals leads up to overall success you must first be able to fulfill each task at hand. …show more content…

The amount of a person’s success is determined by the goals they make not by the amount of people that follow them around and want to be them. Fame usually means that person is popular and well known, success can come at small scales and not mean there is going to be fame involved. Paychecks are more often than not used to determine how successful one is. Money is not a good way to show success because success is measured by their own happiness. If someone were to make a small amount of money but that is what they have strived for then, in their life, they have