Definition Of Success Essay

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Every parent wants his or her child to have success in life, but can one actually achieve total success? Success can have contrasting meanings to society. It all depends on where a person comes from. For example, a child from Asia and a teenager from Mexico may have a different vision than I of what success means. Factors such as culture, family, and wealth affect what success indicates to people. definition of success means achieving one 's idea of the “American dream” and although failing at times, accomplishing a goal you have set for yourself.
In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, success is defined in two different ways. The first definition says “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, fame, or respect.” The next definition reads, …show more content…

It does not always require to own tons of money. Being completely and one hundred percent successful entails using the key values in life that are hard to attain. Being courteous, respectful, and having integrity can lead to far better things than wealth and fame. Staying true to oneself achieves success because everything surrounding humans leads to temptation. For instance, if someone worked hard to be wealthy it becomes easy to get caught up in a life of impressing other rich friends who are just trying to compete with you behind your back. Staying humble after reaching your goal initially becomes a version …show more content…

Countries in Eastern Asia are ranked at the top for best education systems. In other words, to achieve success in countries such as South Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong the child must excel in school. In countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan, success measures differently for women. Women are often treated as inferiors to men. The Taliban rule makes it difficult for women to even go to school. Unfortunately, success means trying to stay alive under the Taliban for most Afghan