Definition Essay Success

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Today, success in society, is seen as having the most stuff, and the most money. Everything that society defines as being successful, is materialistic. The true definition of success, is completely individualized, so in my eyes, being successful is much more than what I own. Physical possessions are only a result of what success can get you, but it is not measured by those possessions. Think to yourself for a second; what would have to happen to you for you to feel successful? What is your definition of success? Would there be that ONE moment that would turn the tables to make you feel successful, or would it build up? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, success is defined as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Wealth …show more content…

Michael Jordan is the perfect example of what society’s definition of success is. He came from nothing, failed a few times but kept pushing, and then he became the greatest of all time. Just as famous boxer, Floyd Mayweather has pushed for his success. The difference between the two, is what they give. Michael Jordan has donated over 15 million dollars of his own money because of his belief that giving turns a negative situation into a positive situation. Jordan understands that his possession of money does not change who he is, so he gives freely. Floyd “Money” Mayweather has said that, “I should donate to Floyd Mayweather…”(Whaley, “Floyd Mayweather Shuns Charitable Giving, Says He Makes money For Himself”). The greediness of Floyd. and givingness of Jordan, really shows how success is handled differently. Floyd went out and bought a Bugatti, while Jordan was out giving charitable gifts, bettering the lives of others. I believe that Michael is the poster child for what success is because of how he has embodied all of the traits for what I consider success to be. One’s success should always affect other’s positively, otherwise, all there is to show for it, is possessions and high