Deontology In Kant's Categorical Imperatives

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Deontology is an ethical theory that looks at how we can make moral judgements of behaviour based on rational thinking. Deontology asks us to put aside things such as; emotion, desires and personal attachment when considering problems using only rational thinking. In this paper I will be looking at how Immanuel Kant’s first two Categorical Imperatives help us to find the correct choices in ethical issues that arise in life. These two categorical imperatives look at maxims becoming universal law, and humanity as a means to an ends.

To start out we have to understand some of the key concepts of Deontology. Firstly what is a Categorical Imperative? Well according to Robert Johnson who wrote in ‘The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy’ “it is an imperative because it is a command…It is categorical in virtue of applying to us unconditionally…” so in other words it is moral actions that Kant wants us to apply universally without thought.
Second is that of Maxims; Garrath Williams who also wrote in The Stanford Encyclopaedia said “the principle that unity is to be sought after none the less forms (what Kant calls) a ‘maxim’ or regulative principle or reason.”
It is also important to keep in mind that according to Kant as told by William Cunningham …show more content…

This is acutely difficult for us as we are emotional beings that are driven in life by our desires and emotions. This can be seen in senario 4, as some would argue that; If someone needed a new head, for a justified medical reason, why wouldn 't you use one from a recently deceased person? they themselves will not be needing it again. This point would be argued from an emotional point to make someones life better and not from an ethological point.To ask us to put aside emotions and opinions for every issue that arrises would be boarder-line impossible most of the