Depression Informative Speech

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My topic is depression, depression means feelings of severe despondency and dejection, a long and severe recession in an economy or market. The earliest written accounts of what we now know as depression appeared in the second millennium B.C. in Mesopotamia. In these writings, depression was discussed as being a spiritual rather than physical condition, with it, as well as other mental illnesses, being thought of as being caused by demonic possession. As such, it was dealt with by priests rather than physicians. depression is no joke. one in every 10 have it or will have in their life time. Because depression can lead to self-harm including suicide, it is important to note that one of every 25 suicide attempts results in death. Here are some …show more content…

Get good sleep, for lots of people who experience depression, sleeping too little or too much can be a daily problem. Getting good sleep can help to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. Eat well, eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help you feel well, think clearly and increase your energy levels. Keep active, many people find exercise a challenge but gentle activities like yoga, swimming or walking can be a big boost to your mood. Look after your hygiene, when you're experiencing depression, it's easy for hygiene to not feel like a priority. But small things, like taking a shower and getting fully dressed whether you're going out of the house, can make a big difference to how you feel. Avoid drugs and alcohol, while you might want to use drugs or alcohol to cope with any difficult feelings, in the long run they can make you feel a lot worse. Work out what makes you happy. try making a list of activities, people and places that make you happy or feel good. Then make a list of what you do every day. It probably won't be possible to include all the things that make you happy but try to find ways to bring those things into your daily routine. Treat yourself, when you're feeling down, it can be hard to feel good about yourself. Try to do at least one positive thing for yourself every day. This could be taking the time for a long bath, spending time with a …show more content…

Because depression can lead to self-harm including suicide, it is important to note that one of every 25 suicide attempts results in death. Some types of depression, especially bipolar depression, run in families. While there are many social, psychological, and environmental risk factors for developing depression, some are particularly prevalent in one gender or the other, or age or ethnic groups. If you feel depressed here how a couple tips that can help you. Get good sleep, for lots of people who experience depression. Eat well, eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help you feel well, think clearly and increase your energy levels. Keep active, many people find exercise a challenge but gentle activities like yoga, swimming or walking can be a big boost to your