Depression In The 21st Century

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Living in 21st century is stressful and depression has become a serious illness that almost 20 million Americans face each year. Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feeling of sadness and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home. You may also experience tearfulness, poor concentration, reduced energy, reduced or increased appetite and weight, sleep problems and anxiety. You may feel that life is not worth living, and plan or attempt suicide. Depression can affect anyone, …show more content…

This kind of depression is called reactive depression. The theory of the environment explains the development of depression in terms of adverse social conditions. So, financial problems, loneliness, an unfavorable environment form a constant psycho-traumatic situation. Against the background of this situation, under the influence of other endogenous and exogenous causes, a depressive disorder is formed. Most often the cause of reactive depression is a severe psychological trauma, such as illness or death of a loved on, divorce, childlessness, loneliness, moving to another city or country, experienced physical or psychological violence, job loss and financial problems. A common feature of all, without exception, reactive depression is the presence of a traumatic factor in all patient’s emotional experiences, who clearly understands the reason why he suffers. Also, reactive depression includes autumn and winter depression. It represents a kind of psycho-emotional failure that occurs against the background of a season change. Changes in the surrounding world and changes in weather conditions can affect the human body in the form of oppression of mood, slowing of physical activity and disturbance of thinking. The main causes of seasonal depression are the lack of sunlight, worsening of weather conditions and autologous