Dermatological Practice

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Certain features of dermatological practice in relation to the above mentioned factors, certain specific features of dermatological practice should be emphasised:
1. Many dermatological disorders are characterized by chronicity. Thus adherence to topical and/or systemic therapies for a long period of time is essential for successful management. It is estimated that more than one-third of patients fail to take medications as prescribed, especially for chronic disorders.[1] This may lead to poor compliance and further to treatment failure and thereby to poor patient satisfaction.
2. People may come to dermatologists with high expectations of a definitive cure for all their skin disorders. Experience …show more content…

The latter three factors directly influence patient satisfaction. This article focuses on patient satisfaction, its assessment, and its effects on health care delivery, particularly with reference to dermatological and esthetic practice.
Patient as a consumer
Under these circumstances, would it be more appropriate to address the patients as “consumers”? The word “consumer” is derived from the Latin word “consumere” which literally means one who acquires commodities or services. Similarly, the word customer is also defined as “a person who purchases goods or services.” Today the patient sees himself as a buyer of health services. Once this concept is accepted, then there is a need to recognize that every patient has certain rights, which puts a special emphasis on to the delivery of quality health …show more content…

According to the report, if 150 complaints are voiced in a year, for every complaint voiced, an additional 26 complaints are not voiced. That means there are 150 × 26 or 3900 complaints in that period. Approximately, 1 complaint in 5 is serious. That means of the 3900 complaints, about 780 are serious. If 50% of the people with serious complaints go elsewhere the next time they need service, that means 390 people will choose another doctor or hospital next time. It is estimated that 40% of these patients or their close family members will need hospitalization in the next 12-month period. Thus the financial implication will be too heavy for the doctor and the