Describe The Following Types Of Mental Ill Health According To The Psychiatric

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1. Describe the following types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (DSM/ICD) classification system: mood disorders. Mood disorders can often relate to Bipolar and Depressive Disorders. Although, mood disorders are mostly defined in relation to the particular type of mood episode in the individual and what the pattern is over time. Some primary types of these mood episodes can include depressive episode, manic episode, mixed episode and hypo manic episode. These can not be diagnosed based solely on its own. However, mood episodes can therefore make up the most primary element of the depressive and bipolar disorders. 2. Describe the following types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (DSM/ICD) classification system: …show more content…

Symptoms that are acute enough, that results in serious distress or serious impairment in aspects of personal, family, social, educational, occupational or even other areas of functioning. Both fear and anxiety are closely associated, as fear represents a reaction to be perceived by an imminent threat in the present, although anxiety is more oriented around the future which is perceived by anticipation of a threat. The main differentiating feature between the anxiety and fear disorder, is the situations surrounding the triggers the fear or …show more content…

The individual can also suffer from delusions, which makes them perceive the events differently from the people that are around them. b. Behaviour A behaviour effect of mental health can lead to self-harm and suicidal thoughts. They self-harm mainly because it is to relieve from the distress they are feeling and wanting to cause themselves physical pain. They feel suicidal at times but it doesn’t mean they will act upon these thoughts. These thoughts can feel intrusive and frightening for them. c. Physical Health When individuals have serious mental health issues, they are more likely to have poor physical health because it increases the risk of more long-term conditions. This includes dying early from cardiovascular diseases and also increase the risk of physical ill health due to smoking and not eating healthily. Prescribed medication, these won’t cure the mental illness the individual has, but it will help ease the symptoms. These do come with side effects which can make the individual feel worse, but they will feel even worse if they stop taking it suddenly or overdose on the

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