
The DSM-5: Post Traumatic Stress Disor

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Many people suffer from mental illnesses, some of whom we may be able to identify, and some we may not. A mental illness is a condition that can affect mood, thinking and behavior. The DSM-5, which is a manual of mental disorders, it consists of classification for over 200 mental disorders. The DSM 5 is used as a guide to understand symptoms and is also used to help treat clients. These mental illness range from something as unusual as hoarding disorder, to something as serious as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD would fall under trauma and stress related disorders in the DSM-5. PTSD is a condition in which someone undergoes a traumatic event, could be sexual violence, close to death experience, or a serious injury, and afterward they …show more content…

The character I have chosen is named Tommy. (Thomas Caffrey) Tommy is a teenage boy who is going through a tough time in life. Tommy lives in a boys home because his mother is deceased and his father was put away in jail. Tommy is not like average teenage boys. When Tommy was younger he witnessed his father kill his mother. Tommy was the only witness there and was the only one who knew what really happened, but he blocked out the horrific memory from his head. It turns out that the mother was sexually abusing Tommy and his father walked in and killed her out of anger. Ever since the incident Tommy never felt comfortable letting a female touch him, he would feel the need to protect himself. In the movie Tommy ended up killing one of his peers because she tried to get him to engage in sexual acts with …show more content…

The cognitive concept is concerned with understanding mental processes like memory, perception, thinking, and problem solving, and how they are related to behavior. In this movie, it wasn't released until later that Tommy was being abused by his mother. He, himself didn't know that his mother abused him. When they showed flashbacks of what happened that night, all Tommy could remember was running into the house and seeing his mother lying dead covered in blood. He denied there ever being another man like his father had stated in the report and in his statement. Tommy hid the fact that it was him that his father caught with his mom. He buried the memory deep so he wouldn't have to face the truth.That it was actually him that caused his father to kill his

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