Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is characterized by reaction of people who have experienced or witness a traumatic event. People diagnosed with PTSD experience a cluster of symptoms including intrusion, avoidance, negative alterations in cognitions/mood and alterations in reactivity and arousal. While the symptoms can vary in severity, the person must experience a symptom for each cluster for the duration of a least one month. Reasons for Diagnosis Criterion A. The person must be exposed to death, threatened death or actual/threatened serious injury, sexual violence in the follow ways: direct exposure, witnessing the trauma, learning of a relative or friend exposed to trauma or indirect exposure to aversive details (typically in professional duties such as: first responders). Josh reports witnessed his fiancé being killed by a drunk driver. He also reported he was able to hold her until she died in his arms. This event would be considered Josh as a witness of the traumatic event through direct exposure. Criterion B. The traumatic event is persistently re-experience in following ways: intrusive upsetting memories, nightmares, flashbacks and emotional distress or physical reactivity after the exposure of traumatic reminders. Josh reports he has been dealing with nightmares every night since the event; he also it has been impossible to forget the vivid details …show more content…

Criterion G. The symptoms must create distress and significant impairment in social or occupational functioning. Due to his avoidant behavior, Josh reports quitting his job because of its trauma-related reminders of his fiancé’s death; he also reports any attempts to return to work were unbearable. Criterion H. The symptoms are not due to medication, substance abuse or any medical condition. Josh does not report any history or current use of medication or substance abuse. There is also no history of medical