Causes Of Trauma

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Trauma: Causes, Effects, and Treatment “Trauma is a fact of life, it does not however, have to be a life sentence”Peter A. Levine. Trauma affects many people today and can cause long term and short term effects. Psychologists can help these individuals find constructive ways of managing their emotions. If you’ve experienced an extremely stressful or disturbing event that’s left you feeling helpless and emotionally out of control, you may have been traumatized. When bad things happen, it can take a while to get over the pain and feel safe again. Trauma is represented in many ways and treated in many ways. Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Each person acts differently depending …show more content…

Kids tend to be more emotional and events that are not really considered by adults as traumatic could be very traumatic for an adolescent. For example, after a house fire, adults are busy working with the insurance company and rebuilding. Children only know that their toys and room – the things that made them feel safe – were destroyed. (Recognize Trauma: Causes of Trauma) Any time a child does not feel safe and protected, the event could be a trauma. Trauma is defined by the person who experiences it, no single list can include all the causes of trauma for children. Here is some of the most common traumas for children Surgery or Serious Illness, Accidents, Constant and Intense Bullying, Separation from Loved Ones, Natural Disasters, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect. Childhood Trauma could continue through adulthood and cause anxiety and depression. “So many broken children, living in grown bodies, mimicking adult lives” …show more content…

There is no way to tell what events are traumatic and what events are not since everyone acts differently to different events. Some of the more common traumatic events for adults are death of family member, lover, friend, teacher, or pet, divorce, physical pain or injury (e.g. severe car accident), serious illness, war, natural disasters, terrorism, moving to a new location, parental abandonment, witnessing a death, rape, domestic abuse, prison stay. (Health Line: Traumatic Events). Each of these examples could cause trauma for