Describe The Procedure And Explain How They Influence The Purity Of

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1. How pure is your sample? When analysing our sample under UV light we could see if our sample was pure. We labelled the sample with 1= which was our sample, 2= the pure aspirin sample, 3= the salicylic acid. As you can see from my sample that our aspirin sample contains a small amount of pure aspirin and a lot of salicylic acid. Therefore this means that my sample wasn’t pure as it still had remnants of salicylic acid which suggests to me that the reaction hadn’t been fully completed, however my sample did contain a small amount of pure aspirin which means that the reaction is partially had taken place. The sample would have been pure if there was no salicylic acid on the card then my sample would match the pure aspirin sample which means there would have been a fully completed reaction. 2. State what practical techniques used during the procedure and explain how they influence the purity of the sample. …show more content…

This means that the reaction acted quicker and would increase the probability of the sample being pure, this would mean that you didn’t have to wait very long and the material changes that have taken place whilst the reaction was taken place would be easier to define and make a note of the start and end point. The precipitation reaction forms aspirin crystals which involves joining ions in solutions to form a precipitate. Another technique that we used was filtration. The equipment we used was a Buckner which uses gravity and a vacuum and this gets rid of the moisture in the sample and creates a dry sample. Another technique would be dissolving and reacting which involves the crystals to be made and for the chemicals to react to make the

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