Describe The Relationship Between Ralph And Jack In Lord Of The Flies

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After Ralph gathered all survivors Jack, Simon and Ralph had gone to explore the island. After returning to the rest of the survivors Jack tells them “ there’s pigs, there is food and bathing water in that stream along there-and everything “here Jack is being more concerned about food and all than getting rescued from that island. The thought of having access to these resources brings him immediate comfort. From at the beginning of the story Jack didn’t like Piggy he would talk or behave rudely with Piggy. Jack humiliated Piggy by calling him a fatty. This shows his rude and impulsive behaviour. He has no empathy and respect for others. When all others wanted to select a leader, Jack wanted to dominate and lead the boys by himself. When boys …show more content…

Jack was too happy about killing the pig than worry about it. He was talking with very much excitement about the process of killing the pig that he was not even listening to Ralph in his joy of killing the pig. Jack said to Ralph that he himself cut the pig’s throat proudly and he was laughing like a maniac. Piggy and Jack was having an argument about the blown out fire. Jack became very angry and kicked Piggy’s head and by doing that Piggy’s specs’ one side got broken. Piggy was very angry about it. But instead of apologising he was mimicking and making fun of Piggy. Jack’s carelessness and greed for desires become a reason for all of them to lose a chance of getting saved. After that at night they cooked the pig and had a feast. Jack and his followers were telling the adventurous story of killing the pig to everyone. They were dancing and singing in joy. They do not have any guilt of missing the ship and angered Ralph calls for an assembly. In that assembly Ralph tries to set everything back in order .he re-established the rules. During the meeting the subject of beast was brought up. Jack argues that the island is too small for a beast, but one of the boys claims the beast comes from the sea. While discussing about the beast Jack broke a rule that he talked without having the conch in hand. First time nobody mind it but then Ralph interrupted by saying that Piggy has got the conch and he has the right to speak. Ralph became angry and said “Jack you are breaking the rules”, “who cares?”…..Jack was shouting against him, “bollocks to the rules! We are strong- we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat-!” By saying that Jack had storm out of the meeting with his