Describe The South Research Paper

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The South is one of the greatest places to live in than any other place. I think people in the south know how to cook food as well as some of the chefs in the world. Foods like chicken, catfish, greens, and cornbread. Just about everywhere you go in the southern hemisphere the food is good. There is also an annual catfish festival that takes place in the city of Belzoni, Located in Mississippi. Boy do I love some catfish. But that’s not the only thing the south has to offer. It is also great for the music. The people of the south got the blues. Blues is one of the most played music in the south. Most people in the south love to hear the blues. Some blues make them sad or moody, and some blues make them get up and dance. They should …show more content…

Another thing about the south is the environment. It is so beautiful, and would be a sight to see if you had never seen it before. In some parts of the south it is nice to sit on the porch or by the pond, and catch fish. People from all over the world come to the south to enjoy nature and enjoy their climates. A lot of places in the south have beautiful sights to see even in your own back yard. People also come not only to see the nature but to enjoy places like Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, and Georgia. These are places where you can go in the south to fun at them parks, water parks, national parks, art museums, history museums, and a lot of other activities, such as blues and gospel concerts. A lot of people in the south know how to sing some gospel music. Singing is an inherited trait passed down from generation to generations. When people from the north come down to the south, they find that people I the south talk different from the people up north. Mostly everybody in the south talk country saying things like hey ya’ll or why ya’ll ant going to the party festival tonight. But people from up north are on a more proper point of speech. They would say are you going to attend the gathering tonight and