Description And Accomplishments Of Command Sergeant Major Ronald Ferdinand

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Command Sergeant Major Ronald Ferdinand distinguished himself through exceptionally meritorious service as the Commandant of the United States Army Alaska (USARAK) Non Commissioned Officer Academy. CSM Ferdinand served with distinction and utmost dedication from 24 August 14 to 3 July 2017. Command Sergeant Major Ronald Ferdinand distinguished himself by over three years of outstanding selfless service to this Nation and US Army Alaska while serving as the senior brigade level Sergeant Major and the Commandant of the US Army Alaska Non Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA). As the Commandant he led 1562 Soldiers to Graduate the Basic Leadership Course (BLC) with at 93.5 percent class average, 191 Soldiers graduated the Foundation Instructor …show more content…

He made sure the quality of life, safety and classroom enhcements were completed to ensure Soldiers were safe, well-educated using the latest technology, and able to stay physically fit while attending the Basic Leadership Course. He worked tirelessly to enhance the classrooms with new technology to ensure Soldiers had a proper learning environment. Classrooms were outfitted with 80inch television monitors, sound bars to enhance audio quality, professional information boards that reflect Army tradition and Army values along with new computers. Through is guidance, knowledge and leadership the NCO Academy was able to upgrade the facility grounds by securing 1.2 Million dollars in improvements. The Barracks was remodeled, unsafe sidewalks replaced, and parade grounds resurfaced for drill and ceremonies to be executed safely. The Academy fitness equipment was updated and alternate event bicycles were upgraded for the Army Physical Fitness Test. He enhanced the capabilities of the cadre by purchasing new Snow machines with recue sleds to make recovery of Soldiers more accessible and safer in the harsh arctic conditions. He also pursued and replacement All-Terrain Vehicles for the same recovery during summer operations. The many changes at the NCO academy were a direct reflection of his determination to ensure Soldiers trained in a safe environment with the best communications equipment …show more content…

As the Commandant he stayed actively involved with TRADOC, the Sergeants Major Academy, the Army National Guard Non Commissioned Officer Academy and US Army Alaska by setting the example for the Basic Leadership Course by; instituting a partnership with the Alaska Army National Guard (AKARNG), receiving the Institution of Excellence from TRADOC, and briefing Sergeants Major and US Army Alaska Company Commands. His leadership, knowledge and perseverance led this Academy to stay focused on the standards of training, standards for documenting training, and alternate qualifications the cadre must maintain as directed by TRADOC and USASMA to receive the distinction of being an Institute of Excellence; the highest evaluation that can be awarded. CSM Ferdinand constantly kept the Alaska Sergeants Major abreast of BLC changes that effects their Soldiers. He briefed the incoming Company Commanders and First Sergeant on the BLC requirements to guarantee maximum Soldier thru put. On many occasions he traveled over 360 miles to brief units on the BLC standards and complexities to improve their Soldiers chance of being enrolled and accepted for training. He personally sought out a partnership with the AKARNG to enhance instructor capability and Soldier thru put. Through the multi-component environment he fostered instructor exchanges and cadre training to provide Alaska Soldiers and Airmen more opportunities to be trained

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