How Has Wes Changed At Valley Forge Sparknotes

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Graduation at Northern HS in Baltimore, MD. (108)
What does it mean to graduate from high school to a student like Woody? It means significant achievement for a student like Woody to graduate from high school because even though Maryland had one one the highest graduation rates in the nation, in Baltimore city, the rate of the graduation from the high school is exceptionally low.

Wes becomes a father. (110) Wes made himself scarce.
How would Wes support Alicia and his child? What is his support system? Wes have earned neither a high school diploma nor job training, so it was really tough situation for him to support his family. Wes found almost impossible to find a job. Therefore, he finally went down the wrong path to support his family. …show more content…

In particular, he structured the crew, such as each member has a specific role on drug-dealing with certain responsibility. Wes also grasped the crewmembers’ abilities and skills in order to achieve “the right man for the right place”.

Wes is arrested for dealing drugs. (114) He was going to deal with some risks to get arrested and also paying close attention to every potential buyer. He took a risk but failed by accident.

Wes (Author) at Valley Forge. (115)
How has Wes changed at Valley Forge? Why? He was a platoon sergeant, a cadet master sergeant, and the youngest senior noncommissioned officer in the entire corps. He was at the time in charge of changing the insubordinate kids, which he used to be. His behavior, attitudes, and speech were totally reformed as he was following and practicing the motto. The biggest reason why he was changed is the responsibility in the school and the family.

What is going on in Justin’s life now? (117) They had been best friends. And, Justin was an honor-role student and doing alright even though he was warned by the dean due to the friendship with Wes. However, Justin is spending hard life with the burden because his role in the family was changing.

Dalio and pizza. (120)
What is the irony of the last paragraph in the chapter?