The Role Of ASM-Janine N-New To Boy Scouts

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Adults have the bad habit of telling others what to do, how to do it and usually without an explanation on why to do it. Scouting likes to take those elements out of the picture and lean more towards to the motto of "Don 't do anything a scout a can do" - Lord Baden Powell. Boy Scouts has been around for 108 years and has a solid foundation on the way it works. The only issue with the program is the adults. Stepping back and letting the scout "fail" is a hard thing to do for most and therefore, in the last 20 years, some troops have been changed by making them adult-led rather than boy-led. "Empowering boys to be leaders is the core of Scouting. Scouts learn by doing, and what they do is lead their patrols and their troop. The boys themselves …show more content…

• ASM-Scott A- New to leadership roles and has a bias opinion to his son in the troop with little regard to helping others. Total Adult-led. • ASM- Janine N- New to Boy Scout leadership roles but was a den leader for Cub Scouts. Whereas she wants the scouts to lead she has a hard time stepping back and watching the scouts fail. • Old SM-- Allen R- Lead an Adult-led troop. He is very defensive to anything out of his thought process. • Kelly K- New to Boy Scout roles yet a trained leader for Cub Scouts that has now taken on the role of Advancement Chair. Totally for boy-led yet worries behind the scenes for things to get …show more content…

New leaders, old leaders, scouts that are used to adult-led, scouts that are trained as boy-led and a variety of parents with strong opinions on both sides make for chaos. With the confusion of what was happening when the new scoutmaster took the role, the accountability became blurred. “Over time, individuals come and go, but the system of accountability rest with the position itself. It is these positions- and the rights that go with them- that provide the road map of roles for every individual in the organization” (Simons