Gym Observation Report

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5/6 gym
Martha often participates in gym. She comes to class prepared and ready to learn. Sometimes Martha chooses not to participate in activities. It is important that Marth continues to participate, so it does not impact her mark. I know you can do it Martha!

Amber has done great this term in gym. She comes to class prepared and ready to learn. Keep it up Amber!

Charlie is an active participant in gym class. In volleyball he showed great ability at setting, bumping and serving. Charlie is very considerate of others in gym and cooperatives consistently with the teacher and other students. Good work Charlie!

Cornie often participates in gym class. In volleyball, he showed great ability at servine and …show more content…

He enjoyed our volleyball unit and excelled at setting, bumping and serving. Keep up the good work!

Easton always participates in gym activities. Easton demonstrated a high level of skill in our volleyball unit and was able to apply these skills in game situations. Easton always tries hard in gym and accepts assistance from others. Keep it up !

Johan often participates in gym class. He comes to class prepared and ready. Often during instruction Johan gets sidetracked. It is important that Johan works on his listening skills in gym class. Also sometimes during cooperative games Johan gets frustrated with his classmates and chooses not to participate. It is important that Johan seeks teacher assistance, so we can work through issues together. I know you can do it Johan!

Mirrah has been working hard this term and actively participates in gym. It is important for Mirrah to bring proper shoes to gym. Mirrah has been better at understanding the importance of proper footwear and has worn proper shoes lately. Keep it up!

Breena is an active participant in gym class. In volleyball she showed great ability at setting, bumping and serving. Breena showed leadership during her volleyball unit by providing tips and helping his classmates during games. Keep it