Descriptive Essay Arizona

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Having a sense in pride for where you come from is a very admirable trait. And many people feel that where they are from is an ideal place to live their life after college. But, something that I have learned from my 17 years of living in Arizona, is that we have an amazing state. With four major universities, professional sports teams in almost every sport, and the awe-inspiring views of a Sonoran Desert night, our state provides almost everything that can be sought after. But what about professionally? What about those of us who aren’t teachers, or athletes, or photographers? Well, I find many ways that Arizona can be a staging ground for my professional goals. Arizona is the ideal place for my dreams and goals. Whether it be the natural resources, the plentiful employment opportunities, or just being able to get out and get sweaty and dirty with a couple friends, Arizona has it all. …show more content…

We are blessed to have many different climates, from the snowy San Francisco Peaks, to the dry heat of metropolitan Phoenix, to the uranium filled Grand Canyon. As a chemical engineer, I will be able to use these resources to create new technologies and products that will make people's lives better. There is definitely no shortage of jobs in Arizona for chemists-especially at the Palo Verde Power Plant. Though I plan to major in Chemical Engineering, I will be able to use the knowledge I gain to seek employment as a power plant technician or manager. The scientific community in Arizona is extremely wide spreading, and reaches all of us who choose to be a part of it. Medically, we have the prestigious Mayo Cancer Clinic and we also have some of the best environments for scientific learning at ASU and U of A, which are about four hours away, no matter where you