Descriptive Essay: John Adams Middle School

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They say school lunches suck. I am sure that I have found a school that has overthrown that stereotype. I strolled into John Adams Middle School on a Tuesday in late November. It was a cold, damp day. Fall was coming to an end and Winter was right around the corner. All of the leaves had descended from the tree tops and were laying on the sidewalk with a brown/orangish hue.
The Cafeteria was a nice sized area filled with wooden tables and benches for the students. It was 11:24 AM. Lunch A students started pouring into the cafeteria from the North doors. The atmosphere was energized in a way. Made me feel as I was almost excited to eat lunch here. I strolled through the kitchen picking out the foods I wanted on my tray. Then I saw it. An abundance of Crispitos in all it’s glory. I scooped one up and onto my tray and proceeded through the kitchen. I picked up 2 sides in total I also bought an extra apple juice. On my tray I had the glorious crispito, an apple and a sugar cookie. The scent from the Crispito floated through the air… delightful. …show more content…

I was eager to find out what all the students had been thrilled about for todays lunch. I studied my meal. The crispito was perfectly toasted at the ends. Just a perfect golden brown tint. Cheese was drizzled on top of the crispito. I also got a sugar cookie, perfectly baked. The cookie was white as snow and the topped it off. I turned my head to see it from a better view. The sugar glistened in the sunlight. My apple was perfectly shaped, like the photos you would see on Google on a teacher 's desk. It’s color was so vibrant, as if someone turned up it’s saturation. Droplets of water were drizzled on my bottle of apple