Closed Campus Lunch Hours

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There in fact that of Hatch valley high school to start having a closed campus during lunch hours.In any fact of what closed campus could mean for the rest of the timing in school campus. That in which any student will take on for the rest of what amount of time they might have left in school. For the best of it that having this school to have a closed campus is a wonderful idea. For any fact that the food that is served here is delicious; there's enough free time for people to socialize with their friends, and HVHS grounds is a safe place for the students.

As for any ideas that had been told by any student in this school; the food in here great. The fact that the food that is served in this school is the best that could ever be done. For the delicacies that is being served are the most delicious and most nutritious …show more content…

Like lunchtime that which could be enough time for anyone to have some time to relax and socialize with their friends at school. At any time in which a student can get board and in any given idea of getting outside of school is fun. In any fact that it might not be a good idea, and that spending their free time chilling in school with their comrades. In any fact that their are some students are behind in their classes and have nothing but pure F or D in their grades. In any case of social media and entertainment could also be a good choice for students to have fun time in their school.

In any other case of what might make closed campus as a good idea is that it’s safe to be in there than it’s in any other place around campus. There are zero chances for any person to get hit by a car or to end up in a car accident. For closed campus can make sure of that the students that come to this school are safe and sound. For any features that there are teachers that are here to teach us and policemen and women that are here to protect all of