
Descriptive Essay: The Battle Of Grimshade Dragons

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Two armies were marching toward a single point. On one side you had fearsome entities: a laughing woman whose body was made of flame. She was followed by hundreds of demons, some looked human, and others were giant horned and bat-winged monstrosities. To her left, a decrepit madman that spread plagues and poisons as he walked, was flanked by a man with the body of a hyena, a woman with the head of a vulture, and a man with pus-green veins paced behind the madman’s back. Behind them was a legion of undead: zombies, revenants, and a handful of skull-men, beings with flaming skulls on their shoulders. The macabre legion was led by a rotting body that was wielding twin sickles of bloodstained bone, riding a skeletal horse.To the right of the twin sickled leader was a humanoid shadow: the color of a black hole with the face of a void led an army of wraiths: floating specters with eerie orange eyes, who had essence and body forcibly separated. It was guarded closely by a group of …show more content…

The three powerful beings of light, knowledge, and life respectively, marched toward their nightmarish counterparts on the other side of this war, destroying the enemy forces as they advanced. Their opposites, made to oppose them and keep the balance, charged through, not really caring as they destroyed troops on either side. Mercilessly shooting through hordes of orcs, and ruthlessly slaughtering enemy mages, Camus eventually got face-to-void with the humanoid shadow. “I shall destroy you, Shrarn! I will send you back to the darkness!” Camus shouted, pumped up on adrenaline and arrogance. “You think you stand a chance, mortal?...” the shadow spoke without a mouth in a deep and ethereal voice that echoed through his head. “I have more than a chance, Shran. I will see your defeat!” Camus said, incredibly cocky. “Me, the master of night, the void-lord?...” Shrarn replied, amused by this display of

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