Deviant Behavior Theory

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Sociologists came together and formulated strain theories to help explain the disparities many people face in society and the consequences it causes. Society is known to be an economic power source that has produced inequalities for many people striving to attain status. The imbalance of equality has placed a great deal of strain on those looking to acquire a piece of the “American Pie”. For most, these strains tend to be unattainable solely because resources are distributed to the eligible. Without a fair chance in society, they are faced with high-levels of pressure to survive in a place that discriminates against the less fortunate. As a result, deviant behaviors emerge as an instrument to acquire the needs and wants they desire in society. Therefore, the theory is used to …show more content…

It is more prevalent for adolescents who derives from a broken family structure. Being deprived from a strong education prevents them from acquiring careers that can help with sustaining a prolific lifestyle. Societies approach of limiting resources for poverty-stricken members encourages them to commit crime. Crime is practically their last option in attaining their needs, yet their consequences for breaking the law is more severe. The strains they are faced with promotes frustration, anger and depression, which all is demonstrated through their behavior. Although this may be true, most people being deprived do not use crime as an answer, yet they are faced with the same challenges. Individuals who may have successfully completed their education and graduated from high school are still at a disadvantage. Many are working long-hard hours for companies to compensate below-average wages that cannot fully support their lifestyle. All in all, society has the power to curb crime without implementing punishment by providing unlimited resources to all people regardless of race and social

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