Devinney And Giana Eckhardt: Article Analysis

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Consumer ethics are an important part of business ethics. For this study, Russell W. Belk, Timothy Devinney and Giana Eckhardt use qualitative methods and video ethnography to examine consumer beliefs and behaviours. It includes eight countries which are affluent and poor nations in Europe, North America and Australia.
Products involving harm to the environment, counterfeit goods and poor labor conditions informant by depth interviews and projective methods. There is a general lack of consumer concern for such issues across cultures. This article studies the justifications offered for these views and appraise the implications for changing consumer behavior.
Many consumers profess to want to avoid unethical offerings in the marketplace yet …show more content…

The discussion focused around their rationalizations for their lack of ethical consumption patterns. There are three justification strategies emerged from the data collection: economical rationalization, institutional dependency, and developmental realism. Firstly, Economic rationalization focuses on consumers wanting to get the most value for their money, regardless of their ethical beliefs. Also, institutional dependency mentions to the belief that institutions. For example; the government are responsibility to ethically regulate what products can be sold. Finally, developmental realism features the rationalization that some unethical behaviors on the part of corporations must exist in order for macro level economic development to …show more content…

This surprising that consumers are not very concerned with the ethical issues in the scenarios. In previous studies consumers gave lip service to be concerned about the issues. Even they pay more for ethical products. Some consumers choice products through ethical concerns but most prefer have a good product with a good price. The conditions of workers, who makes it, the uses made of animals etc. are unimportant for them.
Better ethical behavior on the part of business influences ethical behavior on the part of consumers. Consumers are waiting businesses to follow the ethical experience before they grow different their own behavior. This finding is interesting that companies have little to gain by promoting them. Consumers willingness to pay is affected by unethical behavior of businesses, but ethical behavior has least impact on consumers. Furthermore, ethical scandals like Enron, when the industry behaves in an ethical manner, this may not be enough to incite consumers to make ethical consumption choices, because bad business ethics examples can always found