Diagnostic: A Bridge Connecting Basic Study And Clinical Science

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In this course, we learn about the knowledge of diagnostics. Diagnostic is a bridge connecting basic study and clinical science. The teacher also told us some example in diagnostic. The first example is a woman with the Hyperthyroidism, if thyroid produce too much T3 or T4, it will lead to this disease. How can we diagnosis this disease, the clearest symptom is the patient’s neck will be swelling. The second example is a woman with the Cushing’s syndrome, the reasons cause this disease is the level of cortisol is too high in human’s body. Cortisol, which is produced in the adrenal glands, plays a variety of roles in human body. For example, cortisol helps humans body respond to stress and regulates the way human convert proteins, carbohydrates …show more content…

Many people will have some confuse in the different between symptom and signs. Symptom is a subjective manifestation which show that a disease or disorder is present and is noticed by the patient himself, but signs is the objective manifestation is noticed only by the doctor or someone else. Diagnostic very important for every doctor, because the clinician’s main task is to find a clinically reasonable explanation for the discomfort or dysfunction, a diagnosis, by using symptoms and signs, laboratory examination, special anatomic and physiologic examinations as clues. And only accurate diagnosis can supervise correct treatments. Incorrect diagnoses may be harmful to the patients. So, a correct diagnosis is really important. The ways to make an accurate diagnosis are collect data though the accumulation of facts, process the data by evaluation of the facts and preparation of hypotheses and correct Diagnosis. In a word, making an accurate diagnosis is a combination of medical knowledge, experience and clinical …show more content…

In the history talking the doctor will have some questions to the patient. For example the patient’s general background information including Name, Address, Age, Marital state, Sex, Date of admission, Nationality, Date of recording, Birthplace, Person providing history, Occupation and Reliability. The main complaint for the patient, mainly include the symptoms or signs and duration, also have the patient’s present illness. The history like the Past medical history, review of systems including respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, genitourinary system, hemopoietin system, endocrine system, nervous system, psychiatric history, bones, joints, and muscles, integument. Not only patient personal history, history talking also include patient’s marital history ,menstrual and childbearing history, family

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