Dialectical Journal For The Kite Runner

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This novel will haunt me, so many issues were addressed and are such valuable lessons. It gives another voice to Afghani immigrants, which help us to understand them better. I cannot wait to pick up another one of Khaled Hosseini‘s books.

Amir surprised me as I did not expect him to be so brave. He put his life in danger and stood up for something; which his father had said was missing in him. I think I knew along that Rahim knew what Amir had done. Rahim was a wise man. I knew why it was so important that Amir should go to Rahim; Rahim needed to tell Amir something important that could not be said over the phone, and that something was that Hassan was his brother. I expected it. I would have been surprised if it had not happened, it was too necessary for the story line and pieced everything together. The General had commented that blood …show more content…

The kite represents joy, innocence, friendship, pain, and loyalty. The hared-lip is a symbol for the differences and the connection between Amir and Hassan. The bear is a symbol of the struggles that we face. Amir has a dream that he becomes a bear, this shows that Amir is now battling himself. Baba had foreshadowed the takeover of Afghanistan when he commented: “….God help us if Afghanistan ever falls into their hands.” He believed that they were crazy religious followers who know nothing about what they are reading and blindly follow. When Sohrab slingshots Assef’s eye out it is foreshadowed earlier when Hassan had threatened to do the same. Hassan said that people would not call him “the Ear Eater” anymore but the “One-Eyed Assef” which then Assef replies “this doesn’t end today.” And it didn’t. It ended when Amir finally did what he should have done that winter day in 1975, which was to stand up something. In the end, Amir completes his journey by acting as the kite runner for Sohrab. Kite running is symbolic of his loyalty, his journey of redemption but mainly of unconditional