When posed with the task of writing about a relationship, my first real relationship was an immediate choice. Writing about a previous relationship can be daunting, however this analysis will venture to do such. Within this analysis there are many topics that will be brought forth regarding this matter. Ranging from the initial description of the relationship, followed by an analysis of two stages of relationship development, additionally an analysis of a specific dialectical tension, and finally a closing statement. It was spring in the year of 2012, my sophomore year of high school to be exact. I was 16 at the time and I can still distinctly remember catching her gaze during the annual DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) conference. I was sitting upon the …show more content…
I eventually brought up the idea of taking a break, however she insisted that we try and work things out while staying together. I agreed but this led to more animosity towards each other. Like a line of dominoes falling atop one another the relationship was crumbling underneath us. Less verbal expressions, lack of communication, and many other red flags began to pop up. To me this form of dialectical tension can be summarized into a single statement: when a relationship is on balancing on the line between excessive space and unnecessarily large amounts of time together, problems are created. September 23rd, 2014 was day over a year of perceived love and effort came to a halt. Upon mutual agreement, Julie and I decided it was time to part ways and move on. We had the rest of our senior year ahead of us a whole lot more to experience. Armfield suggests that the behaviors found within interpersonal communication can be quantified. I can personally attest that this is the case. Our relationship followed similar patterns outlined in the text and could me conceptually broken