Did The Treaty Of Versailles Really True?

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Throughout the years, there has been a great number of significant historical events that have been, are and will be discussed. The 20th century in Europe without a doubt could be distinguished as one of the most talked about and controversial periods in the history of the humankind. Numerous important events took place, including the two most colossal conflicts – the First and the Second World Wars. Debates are still happening about these events. Some of the topics are extremely controversial and trigger a great deal of negative emotions in certain societies. For instance, one of those topics is Germany in the First World War. One of the questions here is about Germany starting the war – is it really true? Which leads us to the summer of 1919, when the …show more content…

Was this decision just? Many argue that indeed it was not and that leads us to the main question: did the Treaty of Versailles really conclude the First World War? Carl von Clausewitz described war as a continuation of politics (policy) by other means1 and it is reflected in the period from 1918 to 1939 when the war, arguably, still continued but in a different, political way.
It can be argued that Treaty of Versailles did not end the First World War due to disagreeing views of the members of Council of Ten, as ‘the terms had to satisfy not one victor but many’1 and it led to political instability. Representatives from more than thirty nations gathered in the Paris conference, however, soon it became quite obvious that the delegates of the chief Allies would be playing the most important part in making the decisions. Other members of the conference were allowed to take part in Plenary Conference and form various commissions that would be entrusted with making decisions and studying recommendations. Yet before even the Paris Conference started, it had been quietly decided who will be making all the significant decisions, and it was

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