Difference Between Euthyphro And Socrates

221 Words1 Pages
pious vs. impious
Euthyphro – going against his father for murder
Meletus – against socrates for corrupting the youth. Accuses him of being a neologian, makes new gods, denies old ones.
Ministration – the provision of assistance, or care
Husbandman – person who cultivates land, a farmer
Does god say things that are good, or do things become good because god says them?

If god is impotent, god doesn 't define the rules, he just reads them to us. God isn 't required for morality, morality would exist if god died. If god has to follow morality, then his omnipotence is limited and he must not be all powerful.

If god is the dictator of all things that are good, then if god sends a hurricane to kill a bunch of people, that would be good? No