Difference Between Globalization And Globalisation

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Internationalisation is a process started centuries ago, which has faced a strong development during the last decades thanks to the reinforcement of the interdependent relations between the international markets. Valdani (2003) e Majocchi (2007) divide the internationalisation in fourth different temporal phase. In the next pages, only the last phase, globalisation, will be taken into consideration. Globalisation, in the economic term, is the event that shows itself as an international movement toward economic, financial, trade and communication alliances. This process is also perceived as the activity that incentives companies, countries, people and knowledge to detach themselves from a local and nationalistic perspectives and to get close to a broader outlook, in which world is interconnected and interdependent (Business Dictionary). A fundamental requirement of the globalisation is the free transfer of capital, goods and services across national boundaries.
It is possible to analyse globalisation also from a sectorial point of view, in fact, higher will be the sector 's globalisation level, higher will the advantage coming from the economies of scale and scope. It is interesting defined economy also from a company 's point of view. Indeed, when a company decide to approach itself to the globalisation, it has to plan an expansion of itself, including products, services and investments, in the foreign countries (Baronchelli, 2008).