Differences And Similarities Of Southwest People And Northeast People

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Ever wonder what the differences and similarities of the Northeast peoples and the Plains peoples?
The Plains and Northeast peoples have many similarities like food sources and gender roles but they have differences like housing and location.
The Northeast people and the Plains people have many things in common, Here are just a few of the many. Most Northeast peoples relied on farming for food. They planted corn, squash, beans, pumpkins, and gourds. They also lived by hunting and gathering.” The Northeast (1). “They got their food from farming, hunting, and fishing.” The Great Plains (1). Since they state in both passages that they farmed for food, we can see that they have similar food sources.“Women were responsible for farming, gathering …show more content…

The Great Plains is a vast grassland at the center of North America. It stretches from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River, and from southern Canada to the Rio Grande river in Texas’’ The great plains (1).‘’The Northeast natives lived in what is now the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. Photo: Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Northeast Indians traditionally lived in southeast Canada and the northeastern United States. Their territory extended south to North Carolina. To the west, it stretched to Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Many different tribes lived in this region. Some were the Mohican, Abenaki, Penobscot, Pequot, Delaware, Mohawk, Oneida, Ojibwa, Sauk, and Illinois’’ The northeast (1). The location of the groups is different from each other in a few ways one being the northeast people lived around Wisconsin while the northeast lived around texas, They had some crosses in the land but mainly were not in the exact location. There are many differences between the plains and the northeast, like housing and location. At the same time, things like their gender roles and food sources are