Compare And Contrast The Great Plains American Indians

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Welcome to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art. Today we will explore the vast culture of the Northeast American Indians and the Great Plains American Indians. Both cultures are very diverse societies that have differences and similarities. The Great Plains people and the Northeast people are both American Indian tribes who hunt, build homes, and much more. Native American tribes are all different and diverse, but let's also find out what makes them similar. Native American Cultures: The Northeast states that this group relied on farming as a significant food source, as well as hunting (2). Native American Cultures: The Great Plains says that this group relied on farming during the spring, and hunted during winter and summer (2). This shows how both tribes had similar ways of providing food for their people. They did have similar styles to provide food, but the Great Plains people relied on farming more than hunting. Another similarity this group has is their lifestyles. Native American Cultures: The Northeast states that they lived in very large …show more content…

Native American Cultures: The Northeast states that women cared for babies, cooked, and made clothes, while the men built houses, hunted, made tools, and went to war (3). Native American Cultures: The Great Plains states that the women farmed, cooked, built, maintained homes, and made clothes, while the men hunted and fought (3). This shows what was expected from the men and women to keep the clan alive. This could also be known as gender roles. Another comparison is housing. Native American Cultures: The Northeast states that they mostly lived in longhouses and wigwams (2). Native American Cultures: The Great Plains says that they mostly lived in teepees and earth lodges(2). Both tribes lived in housing that was appropriate for their living styles. The Great Plains woman built the longhouses and wigwams, and the Northeast women maintained