
Differences Between Hamilton And Thomas Jefferson

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Outstanding men once fought for the rights of a country, they fought for the idea to become one, the United States of America´s independence took place throughout a number of steps and lasted many years. The revolution was impulsed by brave men who knew what they wanted and fought for their dreams. Among brilliant men, clever ideas differed from each other, and was this difference who led the country to succeed in independence.

The Great Fathers who fought together seeking the independence of millions, separated after the mission was achieved. Ideologies among Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the third President of the United States, differed from those of Alexander Hamilton, one of the …show more content…

Jefferson is known as leader and spokesman for democracy. Embracing the principles of the republican party, which he had created, he got the voice of many and the votes of thousands. Jefferson held good relations with France as he was the man in charge of relations with France during the American Revolution. Jefferson thought that the new republic needed expansion in order to sustain the country´s economy, he oversaw the agreement of acquisition of Louisiana with France in 1803. He was so encouraged with the country´s expansion that during his presidency, the country´s size was …show more content…

They represented the Republican party, believing in equality of political opportunity and giving great importance to farmers, as Jefferson was the president in charge of buying new lands and expanding producing frontiers were before it has been native borderlines. In opposition to this political party, was the Federalist party. Led by Alexander Hamilton the Federalists were the first political party in the country. Among the pillars of this second party, the Federalists gave great importance to bankers and businessmen, in order to support Hamilton´s fiscal policies. The Federalists defended the national bank (created by Hamilton), tariffs and a good relation with Great Britain, as stated in the Jay Treaty signed in 1794. Although both political parties had huge differences, it has to be clear that no problem was present among the leaders of both parties, indeed they worked together to get a country´s independence.

In 1771 when Jefferson and Hamilton were working together, they were mentioned as the men who “will give us [Americans] the Rising Glory”. They were also responsible for rising popular political participation and creating the first partisan politics. So it is clear the undeniable brilliance of both of the Great Fathers. Differing in ideologies produced the separation of Jefferson and Hamilton, who moreover represented to sides of politics, it

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