Differences Between Louis Xiv And Peter The Great

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The century of the early modern from 16th to 18th was considered as a doctrine run by absolutist, such as, Louis XIV, whose reign lasted seventy-two years from 1643 to 1715. It was the longest reign in the Absolutism era, and by Peter the Great in Russia, who ruled from 1689 to 1725. Those two kings assigned many rules to establish a government based on their beliefs. The power and the influence were held in their hands. The authority of their power covered many different areas, like as, taxes, administration, justice and forging policy, social aspects, army, and religion. Louis XIV and Peter the Great controlled over religion to dominate on France and Russia territories respectively. Their practices were based on divine right, which was a claim that the king was given the position by some higher power, who was the God. So, religion served those two kings positively in many ways. …show more content…

Louis was Catholic. He believed that unity between the nations was hard because of the religion diversity. He did enforce the unity of religion and let all people to convert to Catholicism. He terminated the religious freedom of the French Protestant, also known as Huguenots. He controlled over the Catholic Church, and let church obeyed his orders. Louis found what good for himself was good for France. He started eliminating the power of the pops, and ignoring the Noblesse de Robe. Then, those men came to rely on the king for their position, and they supported him financially, and they stood with his side when he confronted the pope in Rome. All in all, religion supported Louis in having more finance, power, and influence over France territory and its nation (the