Differences Between Marx And Zapata

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The men who had written these three primary documents, are from different time periods, reject modernization and firmly state that it is a negative deed. Tecumseh, Marx, Engels, and Zapata have experienced a powerful force pushing them down and trying to make way for a modern world. These men feel so negatively towards the new change and would go as far as to kill the men who are trying to invade. Although most of these men are from different times they all share something key, when they were living they struggled against modernization. Tecumseh had fought hard to keep his land away from the Americans and at the same time was fighting off modernization. Tecumseh was a warrior who was uniting the Indian tribes to fight back against the Americans …show more content…

They did not want to live this way and instead had offered that a Communist society would be better for everyone. In their speech they had stated “Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things”(Marx and Engels 3). They blatantly stated how Communist were not supporting the modernization of the world. Even going as far as to say that Communists everywhere will be against the social and political ways that are being used. Instead of the capitalist society that was going to come upon them eventually, Marx and Engels had a firm belief that communism was the path to a better future. This was the solution that Marx and Engels had offered, so instead of violence they had offered a new system. Although they had different solutions, the thing that they had in common was that they were fighting off the new system or modernization of the world around them. These men were leaders that were fighting for their cause and had a great influence on the people around them. These men were from different parts of the world and different times but were still fighting against the modern world. There is another man, Zapata, who advocated against the modern forces trying to invade his land, similarly to Tecumseh, and gave his take on what solution would lead the world to a better …show more content…

By standing up for these people he stood up against the modern world that was coming. Zapata firmly stated “Propositions which we have formulated to end the tyranny which oppresses us and redeem the fatherland from the dictatorships which are imposed on us”(Zapata 1). He calls the government a dictatorship and needs to stop stealing the land that is for the people. What Zapata calls tyranny is what these leaders called modern advancements. Zapata called them out and as he told them off in this speech he was telling modernization to leave the Mexican people alone. As a response Zapata says that this injustice towards the Mexican peasants does not stop, they will resort to violence and will revolt against the dictatorship (Zapata 3). Zapata and Tecumseh were dealing with similar problems even though these events happened decades apart. Both faced problems with a new modern government arriving and taking over their land and the land of the people. Not only did they have to fight off these new advancements but they both had resorted to violence and had threatened these new governments. Although both Zapata and Tecumseh both had similar stories, Marx and Engels were also fighting off the incoming modern world. All of these men were struggling to fight off the new advancements that were slowly taking their land and