Alienation In Karl Marx's Theory On Alienation

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Karl Marx’s goal in developing this theory on alienation was to help people come to terms with inequality and losing themselves while working. He specifically focused on capitalism and how capitalism forces people to experience a loss of meaning in life. He wanted people to understand that “the worker becomes a slave of his object…” (p. 43). He believed in false consciousness, which is “the inability of the proletariat to see the situation they are in vis-à-vis the bourgeoisie” (Karl Marx PowerPoint). He wanted to educate people for their own sake on how to breakthrough the inequality and save themselves from capitalism. His goal was to empower an emancipate the oppressed by explaining to these people that conditions will become miserable enough that workers will revolt and overthrow the bourgeoisie…”(Karl Marx PowerPoint).
Marx’s assumes that organization of society and labor affect people’s consciousness and the way they relate to one another. This happens because people become withdrawn from the rest of the humanity for work. As I said in the …show more content…

It affected me in an interesting way. I did not exactly take into account neither the production nor the process of the premade frozen cheeseburgers. I felt alienated from the process of work and alienated from self because I did not put any thought or much work into making the second meal and I failed to consciously realize that I was just putting together a meal.
The way our fast food system of food distribution affects the person/people who created my meal happens in ways that I would never think of. I am certain that these people are working for wages so that they can buy goods manufactured by other workers. These people likely suffer from alienation from self because in the midst of everything they lose a necessary component of what it means to be