Stereotypes, Prejudice And Discrimination

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Nobody naturally dislike any particular racial, religious, or sexuality. According to observational learning approaches, children actually learn stereotype and prejudice from observe behaviour of their parents or another adult. A stereotype is an over summarized beliefs and assumption about a particular group or individual. Instead of characterised individual as a unique person, people tend to over simplify everything they met in their daily live. Stereotypes can be negative or positive. However, negative stereotypes seem more common than positive stereotype. Stereotype bring into prejudice. Prejudice is a positive or negative assumption to a certain group or people, its involve feeling and emotion. Stereotype or prejudice might lead to discrimination, which is a behaviour base on particular group or people. Moreover, stereotype, prejudice and discrimination encompass religion, gender, race and ethnicity. According to social identity theory, individual tend to divide the world to “us” and “them”, which is in-group and out-group. In additional, people judge another culture by the standards of their own culture and end up result of prejudice and …show more content…

There is certain way to reduce the result of prejudice and discrimination which is toward education, social media and increase interaction. Lack of understanding is one of the reason that cause prejudice and discrimination, therefore education is a method of reducing the consequence. Since prejudice and discrimination can be learn, then the attitude of prejudice and the act of discrimination can also be reduce through education. People who are more educated and understanding the culture of other country or races tend to be less prejudice and discrimination. Teaching in school about information of stereotype can make students more aware of themselves and more understanding the feeling of the stereotypes