The Pros And Cons Of Stereotypes In Rain Man

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In today’s society, individuals and groups are labeled with either positive or negative stereotypes. People encounter stereotypes everyday and everywhere. It is the picture people paint in their minds when approaching a group or individual when in fact it may be different in reality. Stereotypes affect a person’s way of living and thinking either in a negative or positive way. Stereotypes are based on truth but in an exaggerated way, while misconceptions are formed from having stereotypes. Misconceptions are beliefs that are incorrect based on untruths. Stereotypes are a widely believed image of a particular group or person. One of the many reasons why people create or have stereotypes is because of what is being portrayed on movies and shows. …show more content…

The portrayal of the movie Rain Man lead to the stereotype that boys with autism are better at numeracy than literacy. In the movie, “Rain Man,” the main character, Raymond, is an autistic man who can quickly calculate complicated mathematical problems in his head with accuracy. This is an exaggerated stereotype that leads to the belief that all boys with autism have some sort of special talent. Jesus is on the spectrum and is no genius. He is in high school and does not know how to spell his own name. He knows english and spanish but he can’t read or write. It does not necessary mean that boys with autism could either be smart or dumb. In fact only a small percentage of boys on the spectrum have savant …show more content…

The truth is not every boy with autism wants a relationship but they can if they want to. As stated in Interactive Autism Network by Tony Attwood, MSc PhD AFBPsS MAPS MCCP ( Clinical Psychologist and Senior Consultant Mind & Hearts), emotions associated with love are confusing to people with autism spectrum disorder. Attwood further explains, “ For example, a hug may be perceived as an uncomfortable squeeze that restricts movement. The person can become confused or overwhelmed when expected to demonstrate and enjoy relatively modest expressions of affection.” Therefore if a boy with autism is willing to have a relationship, the relationship must be on their terms. During the interview with Jesus Rocha, when asked if he’s ever thought about having a girlfriend or if he would someday like a girlfriend, he said “No, I’m too young to think about that stuff.” In his mind he is younger than he is and he may not be interested in a relationship. It is obvious he has trouble expressing