
Differences Between To Kill A Mockingbird Book And Movie

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“The main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again” (75). This line by Atticus sums up most of the message of the book To Kill A Mockingbird. It points out that you should always do the right thing no matter what people say or think. It also points to the importance of having honor and integrity. This was not changed between the book and the movie. Which emphasizes the importance of this theme to the story. The novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is similar to the film version because it focuses on Atticus fighting against racism, yet it differs because the movie doesn’t focus on feminism and the movie leaves …show more content…

This event was kept the same in both. This event brings up one of the most important themes of the book, courage in the face of adversity. Atticus’s line “I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again” (75). Is used in both the book and movie and points to the importance of this theme. Changing the trial would have removed this theme all together had it been removed from the movie. This is also one of the more interesting themes and it added a lot to the engagement level of the people watching the movie or reading the book so taking this theme out would have made it more boring. This theme is also a really crucial theme to the story so changing it would have made the movie almost unrecognizable to the …show more content…

This removed most of how the book showed that Jem was maturing. In the book lines like “The older you grow the more of it you’ll see” (220). Show the emphasis of how important the theme of growing up and maturing is central to the book. Since the events regarding Jem reading to Miss Dubose were mainly focused on Jem maturing. These events being left out of the movie lead to Jem's increasing maturity not being shown as much. Jem’s maturing was still shown some in the movie through the trial but leaving out reading to Miss Dubose led to it not having as much meaning. This difference made Jem’s character lose a lot of meaning making leaving out Miss Dubose a major difference from book to

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