Essay On English Language Translation

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Because of the differences between the cultures of English and Arabic languages we found that some words are not easy to understand while translating. Also, some of traditions in English language are not common in Arabic language. These things are lead to word for word translation. made a sense of understanding some meanings while translating. There some traditions that found in English culture but are not familiar in Arabic. Those differences of cultural are lead to word for word translation , misunderstanding of some words and this is the one of the main factors of made mistakes . after finishing translating and committed These mistakes ,we can 't notice it easily, because we think or feels that our translation is more than perfect.. …show more content…

We try so hard to transfer an equivalent idea , theme ,and emotion to produce a good version. As a student of foreign language it was more difficult because of the culture. English and Arabic language are totally different in syntax and semantics. So , we have to have a knowledge of English and Arabic roles. We have to avoid any omission, replacing, confusion , and collapse because it leads to changing the whole meaning and failure the goal of translating.

After this experience we should to understand both semantics and syntax in order to be a good translator and to be able to deal with translation and avoiding any problems. also, in order to be capable to find a good style of translation to produce perfect version. A good understanding of the context is helpful tip to get translation goal and produce perfect translating and transfer equivalent ideas, thoughts, emotions, and themes.

There is no perfect translator in the world unless he or she study well and practicing all the times. As long as we are student and learner of foreign language we are still know nothing and we are supposed to learn new words every day. The translation is a helpful field for learning any language. Also, it was helpful experience to work as group although we may face some problems but we go over it. We just try to get benefits and joy as possible as we