Differences Between Virginia And African Americans

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The early 1620’s called upon desperate measures for the Virginians, surges of hunger so violent that it caused some to go mad and eat anything- the corpses of loved ones took a large popularity on the menu- they became despondent to grow food and stay alive, human nature beginning to take over. The Virginians had finally developed a “better” system that differed from their starvation of the time. Having had just recently committed the first few acts of slavery, Jamestown kicked off a big bang for the journey of slavery for the average dark, non-leisure men of the world. Aside from the Indians, all people in the newly discovered United States were unaware of how to grow food and prosper greatly in the new world. The fact that the Indians knew how to succeed in the new land angered all the white men, soon most of the Indian population had been killed off, and the white men were still struggling, just no longer in comparison to the Indians. …show more content…

All history is the same when it comes to the white side; Take over a piece of land, become jealous of the natives, kill off the natives, slowly understand the land, discover a new land and repeat. It was destined for the whites to eventually awake from their sick pattern and ask themselves is there a way for us to get any more demented? Turns out the answer is yes. The whites could invent the idea of bondage and take to enslaving the natives rather than killing them- but of course they could always torture or kill the