
Differences In Power In Animal Farm

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In the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, the animals belief about how they are self benefiting themselves connects to the game in class. The pigs, including Napoleon are leaders to the group and seem to control the rest. This connects to the game by representing the squares when compared to circles and triangles. At the beginning of chapter six it states, “All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything they did was for the benefit of themselves…” (73). These animals believe this work is benefiting themselves when it is not. This idea can also connect to our game. Even if you believe you getting a good chip will advance you, the squares will make rules where they can take it right out of your hand. The humans are taking over these animals, as the squares are to the triangles and circles. Overall, even if you think your doing the best for yourself, in reality someone could be there to take it away. …show more content…

The animals have shown hatred towards the humans throughout the book because the animals believe they have too much power. After lots of hard work on the windmill, it was finally done and the animals are happy. Subsequently, Frederick and his men showed up to animal farm, “They were going to knock the windmill down” (107). This act done by the humans shows the difference of power. The animals spent lots of time working on this and it was easily taken away from them. The breaking of the windmill ended up causing a war to occur. Many animals ended up dead and fear crossed all of the animals minds. Overall, humans took over of the animals and their belongings which shows the difference in

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