Differences Of Political Parties Between Hamilton And Jefferson

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Difference Of Political Parties
Political parties are a group of people with similar aims and goals for their government. In the 1700’s the colonies had detached from Great Britain and become independent. With the new opportunities and freedoms leaders began to rise, The two most important leaders were Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton and Jefferson believed in two very different ways to structure the government now known as anti federalists and federalists. Due to the obvious conflict between Hamilton and Jefferson people with different political views died for what they believed in, became ruthless, and deepened the hatred they had for eachother.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had completely different ideas on how to run the United States. Alexander Hamilton believed in a strong central government, an industrial nation, and national bank (Document 1). Thomas Jefferson believed in a small central government, a nation based on agriculture, and no national bank (Document 1). With completely different …show more content…

Thomas Jefferson, with help of others, made an election advertisement to strengthen his number of votes. On the advertisement Jefferson wrote “save your country from ruin” (Document 4) meaning the opposing party would destroy the growing country. Jefferson and his followers were not the only people who were attacking the opposing party, Hamilton’s followers were digging deep into the beliefs of Jefferson, exposing everything to gain votes for themselves. Hamilton believes Jefferson has a weak hatred for Great Britain and is attached to France (Document 2). The cartoon The Gerry-Mander made in 1812 is a picture of the state of Maryland with bird-like features. The cartoon was used to criticize Maryland's government, but it depicts the entire state. The depiction is one of many ways used to show followers of political parties are ruthless and will do whatever it takes to get